So, for those of you who haven't read
on Facebook or who we haven't had the pleasure of telling this news
to personally, our lives have been consumed by a new life event over
the past few weeks: pregnancy!! We are no longer expecting to
increase our family size by just one in the near future through
adoption but now two through pregnancy as well. ( says
our “due date” should be June 23 :-).)
Many of you have asked where this
leaves our adoption journey. Well, we're glad you asked—it doesn't
“leave” our journey, as we are going to continue as planned with
our adoption. Yes, we know, there is a strong possibility we could
have two newborns in the house within just months of each other. We
also know traveling could pose some additional fun challenges. But we
know the Lord called us into this, and we're not stopping due to the
extra blessing of pregnancy :-).
We would love you to continue praying
with us through this adoption. As we mentioned previously, our last
month has been anything but uneventful, so adding morning sickness
into the mix has been a bit discouraging as we finally thought we'd
get moving quickly on our remaining home study and family profile
needs. Unfortunately we've instead had to slow down at everything in
life to keep up with the basics like eating, meaning our home study
is yet again being drawn out. Please pray that we can push through
the final few hoops to get this portion wrapped up soon.
Also, please begin praying with us as
we start applying for grants and coming up with creative fundraising
ideas. Both of us had originally planned to take on as much freelance
work as possible to help with funds, but Mae is now not going to have
as much expendable energy as originally planned. We aren't worried
about funds as we know the Lord will take care of the thing He has
called us to pursue, but we want to use our time and energy in the
ways that will best fulfill His plans for the financial aspect of
this adoption.
Thanks so much again to all of you for
your continued prayers and support! We are so SO blessed by each of
you as we continue in this exciting adventure the Lord is taking us