
Tuesday, October 2, 2012

The Spirit of Adoption

In July when we were 99.9 % sure the Lord had called us to pursue adopting a minority infant from the U.S., we were encouraged to read a book called The Spirit of Adoption by Randy and Kelsey Bohlender. If you've never read it, I HIGHLY recommend it. If you have any doubts whether adoption is in God's plans or what value God places on children, this book will give you fresh insight into the immeasurable value of children and the spiritual battle going on for their little hearts.

The book also highlights the great outpouring of the Holy Spirit in the church today in the area of adoption. Personally, until several years ago we'd only known one family who had been involved in foster care. Today we are connected with more adoptive and foster families than I can count, and this morning in our MOMS group, I was blown away by how God is drawing so many families' hearts toward lonely and hurting children. Through foster care and adoption, so many little ones are being shown the love of Christ and being embraced as part of a family. God is truly orchestrating a "Spirit of Adoption" in the hearts of His people.

You may never be asked to pursue adoption, but I pray you will listen closely to the Lord and what He wants you to do about the great orphan crisis in the world. He longs for His people to be His hands and feet and reach out to a hurting world full of little ones in need of mommies and daddies, brothers and sisters, grandmas and grandpas. Maybe there is a teen in your church who lacks emotional support at home. Perhaps you are a teacher, a bus driver, or a medical provider who could make a difference to one lonely child today by showing you care. You may be called to lay your heart on the line through foster care, loving a child as your very own yet knowing he or she may very well be relocated, humbly submitting yourself to the emotional pain to touch one child with Christ's love. Maybe God has a lonely child (or even a set of siblings) in need of your family forever.

However He asks you to participate, may we rejoice as He sets the lonely in families and continue to be His hands and feet to the world around us.

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