
Sunday, February 17, 2013

One Year Ago

This weekend has been full of disappointments caused by yet another yucky virus entering our home, but the Lord has been challenging me to find blessings in the midst of negative circumstances. Tonight I was having an especially hard time finding anything positive about missing church twice in one day, meaning I missed out on fellowship with other believers, corporate worship, seeing friends, and especially tonight's missions month service--a presentation by Embrace, the orphan care ministry started exactly one year ago at Brookhaven.

But not soon after I starting thinking tonight was just a huge disappointment, the Lord filled my heart with reminders of where He has brought my family in this past year. One year ago tonight, I sat in the MFC after having spent several months seeking the Lord's direction for my family, specifically in how He wanted to use me as a new mom. I had spent several months pulling back from quite a few of my "good" activities in order to seek the Lord's "best" for this new stage of life.

Last year on this Sunday night the Lord began unveiling the first glimpses of His new best for my family. We sat and listened to the presentation on a brand-new ministry being started at Brookaven called Embrace: Arms Open Wide to Receive a Child. I remember vividly sitting there thinking, "Lord, you are asking us to jump on board with this, aren't you?" knowing He was clearly saying "yes" as part of the answer to my months of prayer. I contacted Mike and Lori McDivitt right away and expressed interest in our family's involvement with this new ministry. Little did I know that step was just the small beginning of what the Lord wanted to do in our family.

After meeting with Lori and others in the early stage of Embrace brainstorming, the Lord began stirring up a more intense desire to consider adoption. We had had adoption or foster care in the back of our minds for a few years, but we had nearly written it off as a "later" item on our list, not something to consider yet as parents of an infant.

But God had other thoughts. You see, He has always been the defender of the fatherless and is always working to set the lonely in families. The child in crisis is always on His mind, never saved for a later date but always of first and foremost importance. As we sought His direction for our family, His surprising answer to our seeking was "Defend one of my little ones. Be his/her advocate. Adopt him/her into your family as I adopted you into Mine." The Lord confirmed over a period of months that we needed to step out in faith, trust Him, and pursue adoption.

To date, the journey has been everything others promised it would be: thrilling, exciting, full of adventure, and full of spiritual battles sometimes resulting in discouragement, disillusionment, and doubt. We are learning over and over (and OVER) of the need to rest in the Lord, trust in His promises, and continue stepping out in faith to pursue the little one He wants to place in our family. We thank you again and again for joining with us in prayer through this journey: we can't emphasize enough the spiritual battle that takes place for a child's life, so your prayers are absolutely crucial.

May He continue to burden our hearts for His little ones in crisis around the world!

1 comment :

  1. Praying for you Mae! So neat to look back at the promises that the Lord has spoken to you, at the things that you KNOW He has called you to. Excited to see what the Lord has for you this year! He is so faithful!
